Luminous Soul: Bathing in the Light of the Divine
In life’s ebb and flow, our souls journey through peaks and valleys. Your inner world—moods, emotions, thoughts—unveils your well-being’s portrait. Proximity to light dictates brilliance; distance, darkness. No doubt, what outshines the sun? Some might say, “Nothing.” Others, “Countless stars brighter in our sky.” My retort: my Creator surpasses all. Light upon Light. Mere words dim before His magnificence.
The brightest light… Light upon Light. The brightest light—the source of all sparkle. Earth’s beauty traces back to Him. How near are you to this brilliance? In the hushed night, amidst others’ neglect, during the final watch, He descends to the lowest heavens, attentive to His servants’ pleas.
Ask yourself: When last did you bask in this brilliance? When did you last taste this sweetness? That inner ache, a soul’s plea for purity—to bathe in the light of its origin. Respond, don’t shy away. Your essence, blessed. Every inhale, each teardrop, every pang—He senses all.
When darkness engulfs, who else to seek? That chest pang, soul’s craving for cleansing, for immersion in its light—heed the call. Unseal your heart to radiance; embrace its warmth. Here, a journey unfurls, shadows dissipate, and brilliance reigns.